Donate to Inland Empire Waterkeeper

Inland Empire Waterkeeper is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit supported largely by private-sector contributions. 100% of your tax-deductible donation can be used for the purpose you choose.

  • By Check 
    Please send checks payable to Inland Empire Waterkeeper to:
    Inland Empire Waterkeeper
    6876 Indiana Ave Suite D
    Riverside, CA 92506

    Please write your e-mail address on your check and, if you wish, indicate the project of your choice in your check's memo area.

  • Unrestricted Donation
    Unrestricted donations may be used to fund any Inland Empire Waterkeeper project and may be used for the organizational and administrative expenses that provide the capacity to do everything we do. This choice provides us the most flexibility to direct funds to where they will have the greatest impact.


Donations of at least $20 automatically qualifies you to become a Member! Make it official and sign-up today! 

Members support Waterkeeper's mission of clean water and can participate in annual membership meetings, communicate with our membership advisory board directly, and are eligible to serve on our advisory board after one year of membership.

Help us grow our membership and join today!